If there's something I've wanted to yell at the top of my lungs, as I drove around the United States in the past, it was........"Hey, you're using your freedom wrong." From 9/11 to the Oklahoma City Bombing and from the USS Liberty to the most recent COVID psy-op....this trash fire has been burning for a very long time.
The price of freedom is constant vigilance, not constant partying.......and that's how we got here unfortunately. Many people in the US (and around the world in general) were falsely taught by inverted media and brainwashing government educational sources that freedom was equal to gluttony, hedonism and self-gratification. As people were gaining weight, laughing at a light box that hangs on the wall and having as much sex as they could (without having children).....this e-prison take over attempt was being built around all of us 24/7/365.
People generally have been lulled to sleep. Many folks today live inside a very deep chemical induced comfort coma. But it does appear that we are indeed seeing some hope break through.....and not a moment too soon. Many people are generally awakening to the nightmare and the obvious fact that their own governments were never representing them. In fact, all government systems are now incentivized for the rapid removal of huge tracts of the population. We've all been milking cattle for most of our lives but now the powers that shouldn't be, have decided that we're graduating to beef cattle.......and it's slaughter time. 70% of US citizens are now overweight or obese, so of course there's very little resistance other than some sick overweight people in motorized scooters swearing that they've had enough, with very little follow through of course. All the sick and overweight people are part and parcel of the controlled demolition of the American Empire.
Generally, with the use of some very simple forms of mind control, we see American citizens killing each other for big bonuses. This is called PAY CHEQUE MIND CONTROL and it was always part of the mind control agenda. Nurses and doctors are killing their patients. Teachers are turning their students gay. Politicians are serving their citizens up to the highest bidder, for medical slaughter. It's all enough to make Satan himself blush, and spin away giggling uncontrollably. I'm sure the devil himself would never have believed that humans could be turned this evil, this quickly. Anyone who actually took the COVID shot, took a run at killing themselves for the same reasons listed above........money, comfort and a quicker return to the government approved fun zones. If you'll kill yourself, you'll also kill others. I don't think there's any other way to look at it really. We're killing ourselves and others because of documented mind control, which can be learned about here and here.
The controlled demolition of the American Empire continues and is obviously accelerating. Below we have two videos regarding the uncontrolled migration/invasion crisis into the United States, all organized by forces inside the US government. Saying that, the con job is so thick and the mind control so effective........all many Americans can talk about today is either a) re-electing the party that continued the medical poisoning for 4 years straight or b) re-electing for a second time, the person who started the medical poisoning with operation WAR-p Speed. God must be doing a facepalm because Christians and atheists alike, all fell for the devil's deception......which of course is ongoing.
And it's not just that migrants are coming into the US illegally. Official sources in the second video below are saying that there are NGO's (non-government organizations) arranging for a complete emptying of prisons in Venezuela, as long as the released prisoners (many are gang members) agree to start walking to the United States, all expenses paid by NGO's and our own governments. The two videos below are a must watch. In the first video, a police officer is recorded as actually saying he can't arrest or detain an immigrant suspected of murder because he is an immigrant. This means that immigrants believed to be murderers can keep murdering people (and committing any other crime he wishes in sanctuary cities) and the police are instructed that these illegal migrant criminals are above the law............yes, watch the videos.
And just think we pay for the privilege to become cannon fodder for elite land and resource grabs. Oh but I'm sure they are really doing it all in our best interests.....Zombie land is fantasy funland.