RFK, Trump, Musk and Company Pictured Eating McDonald's - Why Was This Picture Really Taken?
Mind control is mostly based on emotional triggering. Fear works well as an emotional trigger. Fear ends with a cascade of hormonal changes that lowers IQ and activates the most primitive portion of our brains. Once a person is in fear, their lower IQ neurology is easier to manipulate.
If you're going to try and understand mind control, you have to pay very close attention to your own feelings or emotional responses to certain "staged" environmental stimuli. The word propaganda starts with the word "prop" because staging objects for the audience, are proven to change the emotions inside that audience. After you can accurately assess what "feelings" and "emotions" are ripping through your body (based on what props you were permitted to see by the mind controller), it's always wise to understand that whatever you're feeling is most likely being orchestrated purposely.
After you master feeling those manufactured "prop derived" emotions, ask yourself this, "how does what I'm feeling benefit the ruling group, who organized my emotional triggering via the showcasing of certain props?" In short, always ask yourself, "what's the rub?" For example, COVID was initially a fear based psy-op. There was lots of front-loaded fear to start the low IQ reactions in the public. The rub was to get as many low IQ brains as possible, to do exactly what they were told to do, by political actors masquerading as altruistic leaders. In the presentation below (filmed in Japan this October), I explain the 3 primary characteristic of propaganda and mind control, which were used against the public during the COVID psy-op.
As we can see in this article's title, there's a recent picture of RFK, Trump, Musk and company eating McDonalds's. What was your first gut reaction to this photo? That's where you need to focus your attention. It's that first gut reaction or emotional triggering that was most likely the intended result, which the mind control expert was looking to cause in the audience...through the use of the McDonald food props.
When I first found this picture, I was confused and demoralized because anyone healthy doesn't eat McDonalds. Let's be honest, eating McDonalds is basically an act of self-hatred and extreme disrespect to self. Everything served there would choke a maggot. McDonalds is pure poison and therefore it was completely logical that I felt confused and demoralized.
I thought RFK was all about MAHA, which stands for Make America Healthy Again. These guys look more like teenagers, when one of them just got their driver's license, rather than empowered alpha males looking to take the USA bull by the horns. Are these the team members that God hand blessed personally, in order to bring the most powerful nation on earth back from the brink? Did you feel confused and demoralized? I know I did, so obviously others did as well. I believe this photo was taken and most likely pushed all over the internet on purpose, to gain that exact emotional reaction. Here's what you don't know about feelings that lower your emotional state.
Confusion is listed as a necessary ingredient to effective mind control and so is demoralization. Both confusion and demoralization weaken the body. All mind control is based on a power deferential between the mind control victim and the mind control expert. The weaker the victim, the easier the mind control expert can control them on all fronts. You can read about this fact and many more mind control secrets by clicking here, in order to access a free copy of Dr. Joost Meerloo's book, "Rape of the Mind - The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide and Brainwashing".
This photo of grown adults, who now sit in the ultimate positions of power, eating poison (when they campaigned against poison) took the wind and hope right out of many people. This group of men are extremely careful with what pictures get placed out the public. I think this photo was done purposely, to soften the public up for future psychological operations, via classic demoralization and confusion tactics. Anyone eating poison isn't fit to run any facet of my life because obviously they're a f^%$ing train wreck at running their own. I think that this was all by design.
In this presentation below, which I did in Romania (at The Romanian Palace of the Parliament) I also discuss confusion and how it's often weaponized against the public during government run psychological operations.
It's all about demoralization and confusion, which are primary ingredients to keep the American (and world) populations under the deepest forms of mind control. Just like in the famous legal cases involving battered woman's syndrome.....this legal defense occurs when an abused woman GETS HER POWER BACK and then rises up against her abuser (boyfriend or husband etc), ending with the abuser in hospital or ending with his murder. The reason I tell you this is that all abuser's (including the people pretending to be your government and media) know full well that they must constantly keep you confused, demoralized and weak. They know that if you ever GET YOUR POWER BACK, they're actually done for in short order. In my researched opinion, I believe this photo of the MAHA Health Team eating McDonalds was done purposely to make sure the American public stay down, abused, confused, bewildered, demoralized and under tight psychological control.
If you want to learn how to get your power back and make sure you're able to resist the abuse attempts of your two chronic abusers (media and government) I would suggest the program below. I teach it once per year. This is the last year I'll be teaching it personally. You can attend from anywhere in the world. It's the most inexpensive flagship program I offer, and anyone can afford to join with our new payment plan. You also get every recorded and paid talk I've ever done, including the 5 new talks I'm doing this year. If you want a full life makeover and you want to work with me (and your new empowered tribe) LIVE, this is the program for you. Click here to see everything you get. I will see you on opening day.
It was indeed a spectacular act of gaslighting. Fascinating to read comments on the photo, many of which sound exactly like the rationalizations and minimizations that enablers make in abusive family systems when you point out the psychological abuse:
“Nobody is perfect.”
“You aren’t perfect either.”
“Just give them a chance.”
“It was a joke.”
“That didn’t happen.” (It was photoshop)
“This time will be different.”
The confusion and cognitive dissonance is going to drive a lot of people to keep normalizing the insanity. It was a clever plan of the global mafia to drive many of those who resisted tyranny during the Covid years to support this “superhero” team because the other team was so bad. Now many of those who identified as freedom fighters and medical freedom advocates are high on hopium and rescue fantasies, and will be easily manipulated to give up more of their power and sovereignty as this agenda continues unfolding.
There’s human (child) remains in that product. Cannibalism in our future.